Whitelist/Blacklist IP Addresses (Apache) Allow or deny requests based upon the requesting IP address. Useful when a site is under maintenance or to block repeat offenders.
Rewrite URL as Query String Parameters (Apache) Convert URL structure to query string parameters. Use to create SEO friendly URLs.
Enable GZip Compression (IIS) Reduce file sizes and increase response performance by enabling GZip compression of text-based responses.
Redirect All HTTP Requests To HTTPS (NGINX) Redirect all non-secure requests to use an HTTPS connection.
Dynamic robots.txt (Apache) Rewrite requests for robots.txt to a dynamic file which generates robot directives.
Enable GZip Compression (NGINX) Enable compressed responses using GZip to reduce bandwidth and increase performance.
Enforce Lower Case URLs (NGINX) Force URLs to lowercase, very important for SEO to avoid duplicate content penalties in search engines.
Block Specific User-agents (Apache) Block specific User-agents' requests. Useful for dealing with malicious bots.